demo with a banner saying Migration is a Human Right

People have always moved, yet as the climate crisis worsens and the impacts on people in marginalised communities become more severe, more people are being forced to leave their homes. At the same time countries and corporations in the global north profit from the increased militarisation and proliferation of racist border policies. The securitisation of the climate crisis – where border policies are cast as ‘solution’ to the effects of climate breakdown – prevents climate action. It threatens and dehumanises people who move, people who have typically done the least to cause this crisis. The climate justice and migrant justice movements are coming together to fight this injustice, to support each other and build power together.

In collaboration with groups from both movements we are building the intersection between climate and migrant justice by facilitating solidarity at the international, national and local community levels of action. We are organising around two key principles: the ‘right to stay’ – for communities to survive and thrive despite the impacts of climate change, and the ‘right to move’ – safely and with dignity, though legal pathways, when this is not possible. We are building cross movement campaigns and organising spaces, as well as delivering workshops, public events, and sharing resources on intersectional issues. If you would like to get involved, please email nick[at]waronwant[dot]org.

Migrants Organise, Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, Racial Justice Network, No Borders in Climate Justice, Climate Justice Coalition, War on Want, Global Justice Now, People & Planet, Climate and Migration Coalition, Tipping Point.

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