Today (29th April), the UK Home Office has announced that it is escalating its racist and violent bordering regime by detaining people seeking asylum in order to attempt to remove them to Rwanda. There are always options, so please read on to find resources, actions and ways to support people who might be at risk.

As climate justice demands migrant justice, we stand in solidarity with our neighbours who are under threat across the country.

This page contains a short guide on what you can do to support people in your community.

We know these announcements are designed to spread fear and panic. It’s important to share anti-raids info and notices about plans, but please be mindful to offer care, accompaniment, info and resources regarding lawyers and other support – and avoid feeding into the frenzy. Here’s what you can do:

Spread the call for solidarity:

  1. Twitter: Anti-Raids Network
  2. Twitter: Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants
  3. Instagram: Black Lives Matter
  4. Instagram: Migrants Organise
  5. Share this page on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

Remember to use positive narratives on climate and migration.

Support the community response by joining your local anti-raids group:

  1. Search Instagram or Twitter (X) for your local anti-raids group’s page.
  2. Local groups will post updates on raids and protests, usually on social media and WhatsApp accounts, calling for support.
  3. Local groups, info and resources are also available online on the Anti-Raids Network page.
  4. Community protests stop raids: check out the story of Kenmure Street.

Protests and support are also being organised at home office sites and reporting centres across the country. Find out more through Action Against Deportation.

You can also support detainee visitor groups: find local organisations through AVID (twitter & online), and SOAS Detainee Support (twitter & online).

Read and share information for people potentially at risk:

  1. Information in English and community languages about the Rwanda bill, and who is at risk (Care4Calais).
  2. Information in English and community languages about what to do if immigration officers come to your home or work (Anti-Raids Network).
  3. What to do if you are detained – leaflet (AADD).
  4. Information about how to support people at Home Office reporting centres (AADD).
  5. What to do if you see a raid happening (Anti-Raids Network).
  6. Information in English for asylum seekers in Scotland (No Evictions Network).

Learn how people can get legal support

  1. People who get notices about being removed to Rwanda can contact Wilsons Solicitors on [email protected].
  2. Queer and trans people who get notices about being removed to Rwanda can contact Rainbow Migration on [email protected].
  3. Duncan Lewis are also available to take some cases – 03337720409

Learn more

  1. What we know about the Rwanda Act and Treaty so far – Right to Remain
  2. The Hostile Environment Explained – JCWI
  3. Rough Guide to Immigration Detention – Right to Remain
  4. Understanding Climate & Migrant Justice – Climate Justice Coalition
  5. You can stop the Rwanda raids. Here’s how – Migrants Organise