The world is at a crossroad  

We are living through a period of multiple breaking points – from climate to Covid-19, from  cost of living to systemic racism, to devastating wars. 

It is now clearer than ever that these crises not only overlap, but share the same cause. We got to these crisis points because our political and economic system is built on inequality and injustice. For centuries, rich governments and corporations have been exploiting people and the planet for profit, no matter how much it harms the rest of us. 

But these crises also put us at crossroads and unique opportunities to rewire the system. Do we intensify the crisis to the point of no return, or lay the foundations for a just world where everyone’s needs are met? 

No one is coming to save us

The window for action necessary for us to live on a habitable planet is closing fast. The poorest and most marginalised within countries, and across the world, are already facing loss of lives, homes, livelihoods and ecosystems. Yet COP26 has shown what we have known all along: justice won’t be handed to us by governments or delivered by corporations.

Over the last few years, together we have built an intersectional movement that has brought climate justice from the fringes to the centre of every struggle. Hundreds of thousands of people across the world mobilised under radical demands for urgent and just solutions to the climate crisis.  We continued to ensure that indigenous, frontline and Global South communities are front and centre, to amplify their voices and demands. Because of our collective vision and action, the climate justice movement is more powerful, educated and connected than ever before. 

But we still have a lot of work to do. The recent IPCC reports have confirmed that governments are still doing too little too late: colluding with corporations and hiding behind greenwashed ‘solutions’ that actually don’t exist yet, that don’t address the scale of the problem, and in many cases rely on more exploitation of people and the planet. 

The transformative solutions that we need for us to adequately tackle the climate crisis, not only reduce carbon emissions, but create a fairer and more just world in the process. This knowledge and the solutions already exist, but our leaders still lack the political will to take the necessary action. 

Calling out the lies and inaction of governments and corporations, and making our voices heard, is not enough. Not only do we need to keep the pressure on, we need to build on it. 

Building power and taking action

These transformative solutions can only be brought about through our collective action, solidarity and coordination – from our local communities to international levels. 

We have taken the first steps of building a coalition that has brought together movements from across struggles. Now we have to get organised to actively challenge and disrupt business-as-usual, to push for rapid decarbonisation of our economies and justice-based solutions. 

This means thinking about how we build our power and leverage: What are the pressure points on local, national and international levels to achieve the structural change we need? Alongside coordinated  mass mobilisations, how do we make space for a diversity of tactics? How do we support and deepen collective organising and inspire more people to join the movement? How do we continue to sharpen our thinking and vision for climate justice? How do we support the call for climate justice around COP27?

All hands on deck

To win the fight for climate justice, we need all hands on deck: in workplaces, communities, schools, hospitals and across national borders. Whether you are new to the movement or a long-standing activist, each of us has a vital part to play. The different communities you belong to, your skills and passion, your experiences and knowledge – these all mean you have powerful and meaningful contributions to make in growing and shaping our movement. 

As the devastating impacts of the climate crisis expands and intensifies, so do the need and ways for us to respond – whether it’s setting up a local coalition hub, getting organised in your trade union, taking action against fossil fuel projects, hosting a climate justice event in your school, or fundraising for practical solidarity with frontline communities. The Climate Justice Coalition is here to help facilitate and support your work, and to provide space for coordination across struggles and locations.

The climate justice movement is stronger than ever. But it needs your ambition, hope and collective action so it can grow enough to bring about the system change that we need.