Ecosocialism and Indigenous Struggles – Fighting Capitalism with People Power

This session is a chance to hear, and discuss with, activists and leaders on the front lines of some of the biggest struggles the global South has seen for years, from the Indigenous-led uprising in Ecuador last year, through the explosion of protests and people’s power that took over the streets of Chile in the months that followed, to the continuing community struggles in South Africa. This new wave of struggles against neoliberal capitalism, for social and environmental justice, brings new lessons and strengthens the arguments for an Ecosocialist perspective on the eco-crisis:
1. The main driver of ecological destruction and climate change is production for profit and capitalism’s commitment to relentless growth and accumulation and, therefore, the ecological movement needs to be anti-capitalist.
2. A just transition to a carbon neutral future must be a transition to an ecosocialist society based on production for human need not profit. Capitalism cannot provide social justice.
3. A break with capitalism and transition to Ecosocialism requires a mass mobilisation of people power.
This meeting will explore these themes as part of a wide discussion on how to build global solidarity in the run up to COP 26.