People’s Summit Digital Crew

Be a part of the team that runs the digital People’s Summit. Volunteers will be responsible for sharing our welcome video, recording sessions, assigning participants to breakout rooms, spotlighting translators and BSL interpreters, removing trolls, answering tech questions and encouraging good, open conversation in line with our Care and Justice Policy. If you’re interested, sign up here.

Global Day of Action Stewarding

Help steward the large actions happening in Glasgow and London, as well as several local actions across the country. We are expecting a huge number of people to take over the streets in both Glasgow and London, and as such we are looking for a large number of stewards.If you’re interested, sign up here.

Photographers & Videographers

Photographer and videographers to cover the climate justice movement at COP26 through our decentralised coverage. We’re working with Mídia NINJA on organising ‘collective coverage’ of the movements around COP26. If you’re interested in taking part, send us an email at media-centre[@]

Portuguese remote translators

English <-> Portuguese remote interpreters to work with us on our People’s Summit 1-12 Nov. If you are interested please send an email at translation[@]

Media Centre volunteers

If you’re interested in the below roles, please email media-centre[@]

Video Editors 

Volunteer film makers and video editors who can clip, edit and subtitle short video clips for movement channels.

Media Centre Front of House

Help manage the Media Centre space and welcome and assist other organisations and volunteers coming to use the space.

Tech Support

People who know their way around computers/tech/software, to equipment to ensure a smooth running of the Media Centre should we run into any technical difficulties.

General Admin 

To help around the office with general administration, logistics, inbox monitoring.

Runners/Tech Crew

COP26 Media Centre team are looking for people to join us as runners, who will be able to carry equipment, information or anything that is necessary between different teams and the media centre. Particularly necessary on Global Day of Action (6 Nov) throughout the rally. Also people who are handy with setting up, packing away, and generally managing tech equipment to ensure a smooth running of the Media Centre.

Collective coverage monitoring

People to help pick out best images and videos from our collective coverage to disseminate publically.

Digital Comms

We’ll be making updates of the negotiations and movement actions and responses through COP via our social media, website and mailing list. We’ll need help with copywriting, uploading, scheduling, admin, enquiry answering, making graphics etc.

Press Office Support

Supporting all Coalition activities with media liaison:
– monitoring the media phone and inbox
– responding to requests
– setting up spokespeople for interviews
– writing and sending press bulletins and comment
– Media liaison at Global Day of Action
– Media liaison at the People’s Summit