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With our labour rights, pay and working conditions continuously under attack, millions are struggling to eat, heat, or pay sky-rocketing bills.Rising energy prices are forcing people to make impossible choices between heating and eating. Meanwhile, current policies are leading us towards climate breakdown.

We have a cost of living crisis BECAUSE of our reliance on fossil fuels, refusal to transform our energy systems and insulate homes. We need immediate action to stop working people freezing, going without food and drowning in debt.

The only thing that will address the cost of living crisis AND the climate crisis is to shift away from fossil fuels by investing in renewable energy, insulating our homes, and decent unionised green jobs.

New solar and wind power is 4 times cheaper than gas and done properly we could see 3 jobs in clean energy for every old oil and gas job. Oil and gas executives have delayed real action for decades. We need a fast and fair transition to cheaper, cleaner renewable energy, led by workers, their unions, and communities instead.

It’s time for climate justice, and a real living wage for all. We demand a sustainable future.

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