We need real action now, not pledges and ambition

The Cop26 Coalition invites you to an International Press Briefing online, to hear from leading voices in the global climate justice movement, ahead of the UK Government’s Climate Ambition Summit on the 12th.

Date and time: 1pm – 1.45pm (45 mins) GMT, Wednesday 9th December 2020

Link to join the press briefing on the day: https://zoom.us/j/99389890816 (Please do not share this link via Twitter as to avoid zoom bombing!)

Host: Asad Rehman, War on Want


Direct Action groups: 

It is eleven months until the COP26 UN Climate Change Negotiations begin in Glasgow, and five years since the Paris Agreement. The UK, as COP President, is using this moment as an opportunity to toot its own horn and draw a veil of success over weak, inadequate policies, while doing very little. 

The COP26 Coalition invites you to an International Press Briefing to hear from representatives from the climate justice movement from across the world ahead of the UK Government’s Climate Ambition Summit on the 12th. 

Speakers include representatives from the British Trade Union Movement, Fridays for Future Youth Strikers, the Movement for Black Lives, Indigenous Leaders and frontline communities fighting climate change and false solutions internationally, as well as veteran campaigners from both the inside and the outside of the COP process. Activists from direct action movements who are taking international action throughout next week will also be there to answer questions. 

Speakers will make clear that the UK is not doing its fair share and Net Zero 2050 is a death sentence for millions. Recent announcements show that governments are continuing to ignore the reality of the science. Their plans and pledges fail to keep us below 1.5 degrees warming,  with most putting us past 3c, which is a death sentence for millions. We need concrete action rooted in justice starting now, not vision statements and ambitions committed to maintaining profit over people and the planet.

This is an opportunity to meet the diverse civil society movement organising from the ground up around COP26 for climate justice, who are committed to holding governments and corporations to account.

Speakers will cover the following;

Join the press briefing: https://zoom.us/j/99389890816 (Please do not share this link via Twitter as to avoid zoom bombing!)

Join by phone:

Meeting ID: 993 8989 0816

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ay7b65nxp


English and Portuguese will be spoken, simultaneous translation will be provided. 

More info; [email protected] / +447507888837 

www.climatejustice.uk / @cop26coalition 

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