We’re going to the polls on 4 July for a crucial General Election for the future of climate action in the UK.

On this page, you’ll find campaigns, actions and resources from across our movement to help you navigate the issues in the upcoming election, advocate for climate justice and make sure your voice is heard on polling day.

Get involved

Join the powerful movement of grassroots groups and individuals determined to make this election a tipping point for justice.

Write to your MP with Fossil Free Parliament call for MPs and Peers to sign a No Fossil Funding pledge.

Green New Deal Rising are working to elect an exciting new cohort of Green New Deal Champions to Parliament. Sign up to hear more.

CAFOD are mobilising parishes to reach out to candidates and draw attention to the issues that matter to the Catholic community — such as the climate crisis.

Project Climate Vote is going street-by-street to build a visible movement of climate voters who demand climate action, and hold politicians to account. 

Climate Resistance are confronting candidates who get too cosy with polluters — to make it politically toxic to associate with these companies.


Tipping Point are running training sessions to explore how we can best make an impact on the issues we care about during the election. See the full list of events.

Quakers in Britain have a bank of useful resources to help you take part during the election period.

Thinking about organising an election hustings? Check out Tipping Point’s how to guide on organising a movement hustings.

Join us in amplifying our collective voice, advocating for policies aligned with our shared values and shaping a greener and more just future!

Make sure your voice is heard on polling day

As we approach the General Election on Thursday, 4th July make sure you’re prepared to cast your vote. Here’s a quick guide on everything you need to know:

Voting on Election Day

Voter Registration

Voting by Proxy

Voter ID Requirements

Let’s make sure everyone in our movement is ready to vote on 4th July!