In 2019, the COP26 Coalition was set up – the first UK wide coalition that centred justice in the climate movement. This was set up by War on Want, Friends of the Earth Scotland and the Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice, using their experience in bringing together groups and mobilising.
The membership of the COP26 Coalition included:
Anakbayan Europa – UK Chapter
Anticapitalist Resistance
Better Food Traders
Black Environmental Initiative
Campaign against Climate Change
CEMVO Scotland
Centre for Alternative Technology
Centre for Applied Buddhism
Center for Sustainable Development Initiative (CENSDI)
Child Rights International Network (CRIN)
Christian Aid
Climate 2025
Climate Craic
Climate Crisis Hub & Film Festival
Climate Emergency UK Ltd.
Climate Psychology Alliance
Climate Tracker
Campaign for Human Rights in the Philippines
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Coal Action Network
Collaboration for Change
Conflict and Environment Observatory
Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO)
Cyrog Enterprise Ltd
Demand Climate Justice
Democratic Left Scotland
Earth Strike
East and Southeast Asian (ESA) Scotland
Eco-Congregation Scotland
Eco Dharma Network
Ecojustice Legal Action Centre
ETC Group
Extinction Rebellion Scotland
FDA Union
Feminist Exchange Network
Force of Nature
Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative
Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland
Friends of the Earth Scotland
Generation Atomic
Global Center for Climate Justice
Global Ecosocialist Network
Global Justice Glasgow
Global Justice Now
Global Witness
Greenpeace UK
Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers
Hamish the Highland Coo
Health Care Without Harm
Health Poverty Action
If Not Us Then Who?
Ignite Life (Ignite TV CIC)
International Development Education Association of Scotland
Interfaith Scotland
International Tibet Network
Islamic Relief UK
Jubilee Scotland
John Muir Trust
Keep Scotland Beautiful
Landworkers’ Alliance
Learning for Sustainability Scotland
Migrants Organise
Migrants Organising for Rights and Empowerment (MORE)
Mothers Rise Up
Movement for the Abolition of War
Muslim Council of Scotland
MY World México
National Union of Students (NUS)
National Education Union (NEU)
Nourish Scotland
Organic Growers of Fairlie
Our Kids’ Climate
Parents For Future UK
Parents for the Future Scotland
PCS Union
Pedal on Parliament
Permaculture Association (Britain)
Positive Money
Propagate (Scotland) CIC
Quakers in Britain
Radical Independence Campaign – Climate Group
Rapid Transition Alliance
Real Farming Trust
Reclaim the Power
RedGreen Labour
Rising Tide UK
ScotE3 (Employment, Energy and Environment)
Scotland Malawi Partnership
Scottish Artists Union
Scottish Communities Climate Action Network
Scottish Community Alliance
Scottish Independence Movement (SIM)
Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Socialists for Independence
Stop Ecocide International
Stop the JNF
Students for Global Health
Students Organising for Sustainability (SOS-UK)
Surfers Against Sewage
System Change Not Climate Change
Take One Action Film Festivals
The Arkbound Foundation
The Glacier Trust
The Human Exploring Society
The Hysteria Collective
The Robin Hood Tax
The Surefoot Effect, CIC
The Trillion Tree Initiative
The X:talk Project
Tipping Point UK
Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association (TSSA)
UK Youth Climate Coalition
UN House Scotland
Unite Union
Unity Consulting Scotland Ltd.
University & College Union (UCU)
University & College Union Scotland
War on Want
Water Witness
Women’s Budget Group
Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International
Women’s Environmental Network (Wen)
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
Woodcraft Folk
Woodlands Community Development Trust
Wretched of the Earth
Young Friends of the Earth Scotland
Yes to Fair Redevelopment
Local members
Aberdeen Climate Action
Blackwater Valley Friends of the Earth
Bradford & Shipley TUC
Bristol Friends of the Earth Group
Bristol NEU
Cambridge Friends of the Earth
Cambridgeshire Climate Emergency
Carfree Glasgow
Derbyshire Climate Coalition
Divest Strathclyde
Dundee Trades Union Council
Ealing Trades Union Council
Edinburgh and Lothians Regional Equality Council
Edinburgh EIS
Edinburgh UCU
Friends of the Earth Pontypridd
Friends of the Earth Tayside
Gate Church Carbon Saving Project
Get Glasgow Moving
Glasgow Buddhist Centre
Glasgow Calls Out Polluters
Glasgow Community Food Network
Glasgow COP Collective
GUEST – Glasgow University Environmental
Sustainability Team
Interfaith Glasgow
Lambeth UNISON
Liverpool Friends of The Earth
London Hazards Centre
London Mining Network
Medway Trades Union Council
Momentum in Bristol and the West of England
Ninewells Community Garden
North Staffordshire Campaign Against Racism and Fascism (NorSCARF)
North Norfolk TUC
Northant Friends of the Earth & Greenpeace
Our Air, Our City
Oxfordshire COP26 Climate Alliance
Park Coetir Trearddur & Trefignath Woodland Park
Penn Climate Action
Pontypridd Green Week
Sefton UNISON LG Branch
Sustainable Kirriemuir
The Edinburgh Remakery Ltd
Transition Edinburgh
Transition Stirling
TUC Midlands
UCU Glasgow Branch
UCU Yorkshire & Humber Retired Members
UNISON Leeds Teaching Hospitals
UNISON South West
Unite Community Leeds and Wakefield
Unite Community Mid Wales Branch
Unite LM/RM015 Croydon Retired Members
UWE Unison
Zero Carbon Llanidloes
Wallasey Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament