Care & Justice Policy

By entering any of the online spaces of From The Ground Up 2: Taking Action Now, you agree to the Care and Justice policy. We do not tolerate any harmful, oppressive or abusive behaviour that excludes, threatens or disrespects others. We will remove any persons from the online space who do not act in accordance with this policy.


  Reach out to our accessibility team at our accessibility desk during the gathering, or at [email protected].

Why a Care and Justice Policy?

Climate Justice is social justice. The effects of the climate crisis are affecting to the greatest extent those that have been structurally oppressed throughout history and continue to be marginalised today. As we are socialised in a very unequal world, we all inherit implicit privileges, prejudices and behaviours that harm marginalised communities. This includes people of colour, women, LGBTQIA+ community, disabled and working class people, among others. We want to amplify the voices of these communities and believe that climate justice will need to confront societal issues of sexism, racism, ableism, classism, homophobia and transphobia. 

Although we won’t be able to generate a safe space for everyone, we are asking you to contribute to make our event as safe as possible. From the Ground Up seeks to foster an environment where everyone feels safe from oppression; an environment that is empowering, engaging and transformative. By entering any of the online spaces of From the Ground Up, you agree to behave in accordance with this policy. 

Holding a global online event comes with many challenges. While we recognize that creating a complete safe space is not yet possible,  our team believes that creating a Care and Justice Policy is an important step towards an environment where everyone feels included and safe from oppression.

Ground Rules
Our Care and Justice Policy is to be followed on any online spaces within the global gathering, including online meetings and webinars, our slack, and our facebook, instagram and youtube spaces.

What are we doing to ensure safer spaces? Which support structures are in place? 


Please email [email protected] if you require any support in advance of the meeting.




Content Warnings 

Let’s keep each other safe so we can be dangerous together.



Young Friends of the Earth Scotland: Safer Spaces Policy
Climate Camp Scotland Safer Spaces Policy
Edinburgh Anarchist Feminist Bookfair