Tue 7 Sep 6:30 – 8pm BST

Join us on the day via this zoom link.

All trade union members, activists and officials welcome!

The COP26 Coalition is a UK-based civil society coalition of groups and individuals mobilising around climate justice during COP26. World leaders and experts will meet in Glasgow in November at the global climate talks, COP26. Global problems need global solutions. The decisions made at COP26 will shape how governments respond (or not) to the climate crisis. They will decide who is to be sacrificed, who will escape and who will make a profit. We are bringing together movements from across the world to build power for system change –  indigenous movements, frontline communities, trade unions, racial justice groups, youth strikers, landworkers, peasants, NGOs, grassroots community campaigns, feminist movements, faith groups –  to name a few. Wherever you are in the world, now is the time to join the fight for climate justice. We need all hands on deck: in workplaces, communities, schools, hospitals and across national borders.

The next meeting of the trade union caucus will hear a report backs on activities since our last meeting in July including from the Trade Union General Secretaries and the mobilisations planned for Glasgow, London and other parts of Britain and Northern Ireland.  This will be followed by open discussion from participants on initiatives underway across regions/nations to mobilise for 6th November.  This includes in individual trade union and trades councils with the aim to focus on what more support is needed to support organising, particularly where there are gaps, and how we promote the trade union/worker bloc on the day.  The meeting will conclude with a brief overview of the latest IPCC ‘code red for humanity’ report and upcoming TUC Congress.

Let’s get organised for climate justice at COP26!

Join us on the day via this zoom link.



We need a Worker-led Justice Transition – rewiring our system in a way that addresses injustices, poverty and inequalities. This means shifting away from the fossil fuel industry and investing in renewable energy to create decent unionised green jobs and services. Rewiring the system must centre and value care work that is currently done predominantly by unpaid or underpaid women, migrants and people of colour – from health care to housework.  But these new infrastructures and services can’t only be built in the Global North with resource extraction and human rights abuses in the Global South. Local and global justice must be at the heart of this transition, through people-owned decentralised energy systems, expansion of care services, locally-sourced food, and green and affordable housing and public transport.